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September 21, 2010
Swing Vote? After Calling Coons "My Pet," Harry Reid Shows He's Not A One-Sex Guy By Calling Kristen Gillibrand Is "The Hottest Member" of the Senate
I just love highly-sexualized language, applied to men and women alike, emanating from a guy who looks like he collects tears and doll's heads.
I've mixed up the order of paragraphs below because I wanted to.
Then he turned his attention to Gillibrand, saying something about how "many senators are known for many things," according to a source. He added, "We in the Senate refer to Sen. Gillibrand as the hottest member."
A Reid spokesman confirmed it happened, but also noted that the Democratic Majority Leader also praised Gillibrand for her work.
"It was pretty shocking when he said it," said one source familiar with the remark and the reaction.
I'll bet. Women generally don't appreciate unsolicited praise about their looks, especially when they're running for senate, not Most Downloaded Woman on the Internet, and especially when offered by the sort of guy you don't even want to imagine having sex in the privacy of his own pants.
What the hell is this, the worst episode of Hefner After Dark ever? Harry Reid's talking like a creepy Goldmember type of guy skulking around dropping inappropriately sexual remarks about how "Toight" men's and women's bodies are while dressed in nothing but a smoking jacket and Crisco.
All aboard Uncle Harry's campaign bus.
And, thanks to Slublog and DrewM. teaming up (I call them "Lightning and Thunder," well not really, but they would probably like it if people did)...

Thanks to Snark and Boobs, who teamed up with JennQPublic to actually read Meghan McCain's stupid boob-book. It's worse than you guessed.