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September 20, 2010
Ace: This New Election Forecast Says Sean Duffy's Going to Win
Sean Duffy: Is That All? Oh Thank Merciful God
Ace: Well, That's Mostly All...
Over at NRO, more predictions.
With much work yet to be done, the path outlined above could put John Boehner well past the 39 seats he needs to put Pelosi on a back bench — but the worst news for Democrats is that those races are just the beginning of their problems. As the August recess wore on, dozens of Democrats who thought they were safe went home to find themselves surprisingly in trouble. Aside from the 60 races in Democrat-held seats above, there are three or four dozen more Democratic incumbents in various degrees of jeopardy. That’s right, four dozen.
If 1994 and 2006, the two most recent wave elections, are the barometers, a good number of these off-the-radar challenges will succeed. ...
These 35 or 40 races that are getting scant attention from either party right now could yield handfuls of new Republican freshmen, if history is any guide. If Democrats don’t cut bait on their higher-profile but already beaten freshmen soon, they’ll never get the chance to mitigate these surprises — and minus-39 seats might start looking awfully attractive.
Oh, and in case you're wondering "Where's the creepy joke about Sean Duffy?"
Well, he might have hoped I forgot, but I didn't. I never forget.
Thanks to DanK for putting me in touch with that p-shop generator. He originally gave me one that was funny... but... a little too over the line.
I think the above one is "classy."
And thanks to ArthurK. for tipping me to this article.
Oh, Just To Clarify for the Secret Service: I wish the Duffy family nothing but the best and I don't have sex with garbage.