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Sunday Afternoon Open Thread »
September 19, 2010
Delaware Morons, Vote for O'Donnell
I have been accused of being insufficiently vocal about supporting Christine O'Donnell for Senate. Lest there be any confusion in the future, let the word go out:
I support Christine O'Donnell against that communist scum, Chris Coons. If you can vote in Delaware, vote for her.
Here's what I wrote the day before the primary:
Tomorrow, the GOP picks a candidate and the questions change. After tomorrow, it's not about pragmatism or purity. The only questions that matter: "do you vote for an (R) or do you vote for a (D) or do you sit out and let the (D) win?" No names in there. It doesn't really matter who the (R) is or who the (D) is.
And it doesn't really matter which side of the primary battle lines you were on.
I stand by that.
As a gesture, however, if the O'Donnell folks could call off their purge, it would be much easier to make this race about Coons and not Castle.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
03:47 PM
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