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September 17, 2010
More Senate News-WA, OH, AK
A bit of a mixed bag.
First to Washington where Dino Rossi is running against Patty "Osama Bin Laden Has Made Lives Better" Murray. This race had been rated a "Toss-up" by Rasmussen but he's moving it to "Leans Democrat".
A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in the state finds Murray with 51% support, her best performance so far, while Republican challenger Dino Rossi earns 46% of the vote, with leaners included. One percent (1%) prefer some other candidate, and two percent (2%) are undecided.
This race now moves from a Toss-Up to Leans Democrat in the Rasmussen Reports Election 2010 Senate Balance of Power rankings.
Late last month, when leaners were included, Rossi held a slight 50% to 47% lead over Murray. Leaners are those who initially indicate no preference for either of the candidates but answer a follow-up question and say they are leaning towards a particular candidate. From this point forward, Rasmussen Reports considers results with leaners the primary indicator of the race.
When leaners are not included, Murray leads 49% to 46%. In the prior survey, excluding leaners, Rossi was ahead 48% to 46%.
In 10 previous surveys conducted since January, the candidates have been within two points of each other seven times. Murray's support has ranged from 45% to 50%, while Rossi has picked up 46% to 49%.
Looks like some Democrats are coming back to Murray. Hopefully, it's just a blip but Washington was always going to be an uphill fight. Still, Rossi's not totally out of it and he's going on the offensive against Sen. Tennis Shoes.
Tea party and Palin backed GOP primary candidate Clint Diedier still hasn't endorsed Rossi. In a 5 point race, a little unity could go a long way.
Here's Rossi's website.
Back in Ohio, as discussed yesterday, Republican Rob Portman is cruising.
Republican Rob Portman holds a 55 - 35 percent lead over Democratic Lt. Gov. Lee Fisher among likely voters in the race for Ohio's U.S. Senate seat, while President Barack Obama has a 60 - 38 percent disapproval rating, according to a new Quinnipiac University poll.
By a 58 - 37 percent margin, likely Ohio voters want a U.S. Senator who opposes President Obama's policies, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University survey, conducted by live interviewers, finds. And by 49 - 31 percent, voters want Republicans rather than Democrats to control the U.S. Senate.
This is a seat the Republicans needed to hold and Portman is going to be a substantial upgrade over George "The Weeper" Voinovich.
And finally in Alaska, at 9pm tonight eastern (5pm in Alaska) Lisa Murkowski will announce her intentions about running a write in campaign in November. In the meantime, she wants us to know she's a very important person and the state of Alaska may not survive without her. That and primaries are unfair and probably sexist (unless she wins them and then they are swell).
"I'm a public servant. My job by definition is to listen to my constituents. And there was a process in place -- a primary election -- that's certainly one way that you listen to your constituents."
She added: "When you think about the outcome of that, in a closed Republican primary, how many Alaskans were actually able to weigh in? So what is the will of the constituency? When you hear this outpouring of support and concern -- concern about the future of the state of Alaska and our representation here in the Senate -- you do feel a responsibility."
"I'm a public servant"? Then to paraphrase George Carlin, get me a sammich.
"I'm a public servant"? It sounds like a plea for help, "I have no marketable skills in the real world. Don't turn me out!"
Lisa...go away. You lost. You gave it your best shot and came up short. Gather up whatever little dignity you have and fade away into the wilds of Alaska or maybe K Street in DC. Either way, the voters have spoke, you must leave the Senate.
Fearless prediction...she's not going to do it. She'll make some sweet, sweet lobbying money in DC, hang out in Alaska on vacations and try again in 4 years against Mark Begich. No one who wants to make a splash, and even a sitting Senator reduced to this needs a splash for a write-in campaign, makes an announcement at 5pm on a Friday.
posted by DrewM. at
11:09 AM
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