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September 16, 2010
Allen West: My Opponent Is A Pussy
Ron Klein: Your Harsh Words Are Scaring Me
And Then He Flounced Away In A Great Sweep Of Tear-Stained Satin Ruffles and Soggy Hankies
West last month called GOP primary foe David Brady a "knucklehead" and told the Boca Raton Republican Club: "We're going to take him out behind the woodshed and we're going to give him a Southern-fried butt-whoopin' come next Tuesday. Then after that, we're going to take Ron Klein out behind the same woodshed and we'll whoop him too."
Most guys respond to masculine bravado by either trying to top it, ignoring it, or using exaggerated self-deprecation to take the wind out of someone.
But Ron Klein? No. He complains about feeling threatened.
This isn't about back-slapping and using, you know, sexist remarks or threatening statements as a way of being cute or funny," Klein said.
"I think a lot of people find it pretty offensive for him to be out there threatening and finding it amusing to be threatening your opponent or threatening people who don't agree with him."
I can hear him sniffing dismissively about that brute all the way over here.
West, who got 76.7 percent against Brady in the Aug. 24 primary, says such talk has a place in political discourse.
"That's how people talk. ... And you can print that: That's how men talk.
Emphasis me.
One of our main problems with folks in Congress is that once they get to DC, their values are eroded quickly.
Their heads get turned by the lifestyle, and by being surrounded by suckups. They are constantly attacked by the press for doing or saying anything contrary to the liberal viewpoint. They hang out with and are wooed by our elite betters.
It's a caustic stew. Their constituents' values are dissolved, while liberalization and a belief that they are smarter than you gradually develops.
Basically, they become assholes.
Now, I don't think any human is entirely resistant to this effect. But perhaps someone like West could hold off a little longer than most.
Just spitballin' here, but if he doesn't have a lot of respect for metrosexual mamby-pambies in the first place, there is a good chance he is less likely to concede anything to them over time.
H/T: Thanks to Little Dickie Jones.

posted by Laura. at
11:23 AM
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