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September 13, 2010
Democrats: Hey, Let's Extend Those Bush Tax Cuts
I find this so odd. If they cared about public opinion -- what the hell was going on a year ago?
Red-district Democrats are pressuring Speaker Nancy Pelosi to extend Bush-era income tax rates for all brackets, revealing a high-stakes rift between the party's vulnerable moderates and its safe liberals as the issue increasingly dominates the national debate.
POLITICO has obtained a draft of a letter from rank-and-file lawmakers to Pelosi and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer urging them not to let tax rates rise for Americans at the highest income levels.
"We believe in times of economic recovery it makes good sense to maintain things as they are in the short term, to provide families and businesses the certainty required to plan and make sound budget decisions," the House members wrote in a letter...
Republicans, meanwhile, aren't in any mood to compromise and just pass an extension for the middle-class cut of the Bush tax cuts-- they think an argument on tax policy, even about tax-cuts for those despised rich people, feeds the larger narrative of Obama's failed policies and supersized state.