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September 04, 2010
Angry White Man: We Have Squandered $13 Trillion With Nothing To Show For It and Must Slash the Budget!!!
Damn those Tea Partiers with their barely-disguised hostility to minorities, seeking to cut the budget just because a black man is in the White House.
Damn these spoiled-brat wingnuts.
Democrats add fiscal austerity as a campaign issue
By Shailagh Murray
Friday, September 3, 2010; 9:03 PM
The candidate was outraged - just outraged - at the country's sorry fiscal state.
"We have managed to acquire $13 trillion of debt on our balance sheet," he fumed to a roomful of voters. "In my view, we have nothing to show for it."
And that was a Democrat, Sen. Michael Bennet of Colorado, who voted "yes" on the stimulus, the health-care overhaul, increased education funding and other costly bills Congress approved under his party's control.
Faced with a potential wipeout in November's midterm elections, candidates such as Bennet are embracing budget cuts with the enthusiasm of Reagan Republicans.
The trouble is, all that snark in the article, and its clearly sarcastic tone, makes it obvious this is from the conservative-tilting Washington Times, and thus can be safely ignored by the MFM.
Except... it's not the Washington Times. It's the liberal/establishment Washington Post. Even they aren't buying this bill of goods.
And they have other examples of Democratic candidates suddenly getting "teabagger" fever too.
Democrats racing to claim "me too" deserves a little somethin'-somethin'.
From George Orwell, a variation on The Mega-Indpendent's PuddingSkull:
I call this skull "Quenchy."