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Overnight Open Thread »
August 31, 2010
"I Won:" Obama's Self-Serving, Narcissistic, Glory-Stealing Speech On Iraq
We already know what he'll say: You're welcome.
The I's will have it.
We know he'll say:
This is a promise I made, which has been kept, even though the promise was to get all troops out of Iraq.
I did this. Even if it was Bush's timetable.
The surge? Never heard of it.
The troops...? They, maybe, had something to do with this. But mostly, you know, it was me.
"Need to rebuild our nation here at home." Standard McGovern/Mondale/Jesse Jackson paradigm.
"Our unity at home was tested." Ah, you mean Democrats made political points off dead soldiers' bodies? Yes, I suppose our unity was tested, if that's what you mean.
Throwing the troops some credit.
Actually, being honest, nothing through this part was particularly objectionable, or, even, nit-pickingly objectionable.
Ah, here we go. Back to the Jesse Jackson paradigm. $12 trillion spent on war (???), need to shore up the middle class with all this War Money we've been spending.
Basically blaming his current economic mismanagement on Bush's decisions on war seven and a half years ago.
Is this dirtbag really using an opportunity to thank the troops as a campaign commercial for his failed economic policies? I think he is.