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August 19, 2010
Hijacking Threat On San Fransisco Plane Bound For... New York City
Update: It appears less serious than that first NYPost report, which claimed an "attempted hijacking." A fresher story now says it wasn't an attempted hijacking, it was rather a phoned-in threat of a hijacking, which probably means it was just bullshit from the start.
Except... you know, for the intent to terrorize and disrupt American life.
No word on whether the phone call was placed in an attempt to further "dialogue," "bridge building," and "moderation."
Corrected/Changed: As a second report comes in, this isn't an attempted hijacking but a hijack threat... I am adjusting the post to reflect new news.
Oh! I just got an AP directive. I'm not supposed to say that a plane with a hijack threat was "heading towards New York City." Instead, the new style guidance is that I'm supposed to say "eastwards" or "on the border of Northeastern New Jersey/Southwestern Connecticut."