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August 19, 2010
You Know Who Is Pretty Popular In NJ? That Chris Christie Fellow
Consider this part 3 of my "Democrats Are So Screwed" trilogy.
Fifty-one percent of voters approve of Christie, while 36 percent disapprove. That’s a major jump from the last Quinnipiac poll, taken on June 17, when 44 percent approved and 43 percent disapproved.
“This is a good poll for Christie," said pollster Maurice Carroll. "People are getting to know him, and they apparently are getting to like him."
President Obama does not fare as well. Fourty-seven percent approve of the president and 47 percent disapprove. In June, 50 percent of New Jersey voters approved of his job performance and 46 percent disapproved.
Christie is also starting to be seen more as a leader and than a bully.
I know there were some folks down on him for things like guns and immigration (and his stance on the Victory Mosque, is not good) but forget for a moment about the conservative base and any national aspirations (which he says he doesn't have). If a hardcore, ass kicking fiscal conservative can do well in deeply blue NJ, there might, just might be some signs people are reaching their maximum tolerance on spending and taxing. I'm still skeptical but if you take those things away, what the hell do the Democrats have?

posted by DrewM. at
11:45 AM
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