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August 18, 2010
Gallup Crater: Obama Slips to 41% Approval, 52% Disapproval

"Wouldn't you say 41% is still a
pretty sexy number?"
As usual, the chart itself isn't up yet; see the numbers top left.
Good Lord.
Okay: I called 39% by week's end. I don't know if we can hit that number.
But fingers crossed.
Sorry about all the tiny-post poll blogging today... yes, I did stay up late with the K is for Keith post, changing it, improving it, etc. I am really out of it.
If you haven't read that -- if you said too long, didn't read -- I would suggest you give it a try and stay with it; it turns into one of the funniest things I've written in... years?
One caution: It is extremely offensive about the developmentally challenged. I start calling Olbermann a "retard" and it just gets more insistent on that word as it goes.