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August 17, 2010
Can't Catch a Break: L.A. Steamed Over Obama Traffic Snarls; Residents Want Investigation

Let them eat exhaust fumes.
This isn't a huge thing. But it's not like he needed any additional bad press. Nor any additional confirmation that he was... well, by no means a common man.
The massive traffic jam that resulted from President Obama's motorcade and speech Monday night in Hancock Park is prompting calls for an investigation from some residents, who say they were caught in traffic for hours.
Obama was only in L.A. for a few hours, but his presence caused numerous streets to be blocked off.
Residents reported that commutes and errands that typically took minutes turned into hours-long ordeals. One particular complaint was that streets remained blocked for hours -- even when Obama was inside TV producer John Wells' Hancock Park home at a fund-raiser.
"What has occurred is way beyond reasonable and can only be described as negligent," L.A. resident Kevin McCarthy said in an e-mail to The Times. "If it isn't my story, currently evolving, of beginning my 1 mile journey home at 5pm and at 7:50pm now being 3 miles from home with no viable idea of how to get closer, it should be about the two sirens-wailing ambulances I have witnessed stuck in this unnecessary gridlock."
Thanks to Slublog, and his always-breaking-news twitter feed is here. The p-shop is his too.
Now Wait a Bloomin' Minute! Circa --
If your bloom is malfunctioning press 1, if your bloom is discolored press 2, if the bloom has fallen off your rose blame Bush and go on vacation.