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August 16, 2010
As Predicted: Steve Slater, Who's Actually A Real Creep, Offered Reality Show
Yeah, easy to predict, but I did predict it, so I'll take that.
JetBlue flight attendant Steven Slater’s future in the not-so-friendly skies might be up in the air – but he’s reportedly already landed a reality TV offer to help other people quit their jobs.
According to TMZ, Slater, who skyrocketed to fame last week after exiting a plane via the emergency chute – (but not before cursing at passengers and grabbing two beers for the ride) – is being pursued by Stone Entertainment to host a show about fellow fed-up employees quitting their jobs in creative ways.
Slater’s lawyer has reportedly received the offer, but no word if he is interested in working the reality TV route.
And the title? Well, my prediction of I've Had It! with Steve Slater can work.
Thanks to Dr. Spank.