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August 14, 2010
Moveon.org on Free Speech: It's Only Free If We Get Matching Contributions
I'm reminded of the words of Thomas Jefferson, "free speech is overrated but not overtly so".
Target Stores has been targeted by Moveon.org activists for donating $150k to MN Forward, a business-focused group running ads supporting Rep. candidate for gubernatorial candidate Tom Emmer, some other Republicans running in Minnesota, along with a few Democrat nominees. Because Emmer is "vehemently anti-gay marriage".
Their (Human Rights Campaign) demand? Give the same amount of money to candidates "we favor". Accompanied with the Protests™! (I wonder how many "protesters" were hired at minimum wage?). The AP laughably tells us it's a "customer backlash", and warns darkly "But conservative organizations are likely to react harshly if Target makes significant concessions to the left-leaning groups."
Well here's my harsh reaction to Target if they give in..
Eh, let em work it out. Give em a little room folks.
Target Stores may feel that their initial decision wasn't in the best interest of their shareholders. They may decide placating the HRC is in the best interests of their shareholders.
I don't care one way or the other. It's their business to run, not mine. I don't placate. If a lefty agitprop group is having its period, and asks me "does my body look ok?", I have to say "no."
What I do care about is that Target Stores, and other collections of like-minded groups have the right to express their views, however they choose, with however much support they decide is appropriate. Like the AFL-CIO.
And Moveon.org.
This is the typical whine (and outright lie) from the professional victim class, that the playing field is unfairly stacked against them. So they cry and demand to be given a three touchdown advantage.
Speaking of three-touchdown advantages, those of you who are inclined to throw down in the NFL pickem leagues can find information on how to sign up here. Bunch of morons already in, if the first league you pick is full, pick the next one. There's openings for like, 298 goofballs and one or two grouches. So go sign up.
Just don't ask me if your ass looks fat in those jeans.

posted by Dave In Texas at
08:40 AM
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