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August 10, 2010
Charlie Rangel Lets Loose On House Floor. Senior Democrat Says, "This Is A Trainwreck"
Charlie Rangel is 80 years old, facing 13 ethics charges and a primary challenge- either of which could end his 40 year House career. In other words, he's the most dangerous guy in the world to a political party on the ropes because he's got nothing to lose.
I caught the last half or so of the long, rambling speech Rangel made on the House floor today that was at times defiant and emotional but never unsure or meek. Rangel made it very clear that if the Democrats in the House thought he'd go quietly and spare them the spectacle of kicking out one of their most senior members (remember until earlier this year he was chairman of the powerful Ways and Means Committee), they are mistaken.
He basically dismissed any notion that he had done anything wrong, he claimed he never asked for or received "a nickel", accused the bi-partisan House ethics committee of a partisan witch hunt and warned other members that if this kind of railroading (in his mind) could happen to someone as old and awesome as himself, well it could happen to anyone.
In short, it was the kind of speech defense attorneys, political consultants and Democrats in the House dread seeing a guy like Rangel make.
My take away: Rangel to House...Kick me out. If you have the balls.
Needless to say, the GOP quickly accepted this gift with open arms.
“Charlie Rangel might not have been found guilty of ethical misconduct yet, but there is proof beyond a reasonable doubt that he helped build the Democratic majority by padding the campaign war chests of dozens of members of congress with millions of dollars in contributions. It’s official, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s ‘most ethical congress in history’ has turned into a three-ring circus.”
And if you have room for dessert...Rangel has just been hit with a new ethics charge.
Most ethical Congress EVAH. Thanks Nancy!
Added: Rangel at one point went through his resume proudly saying he'd spent his entire life in 'public service'. Aside from his time in the Army during the Korean War (for which is he is justly proud and we should be thankful and respectful of), he's spent his whole life sucking at the public teat. He's proud of never having worked in the private sector. That's a disgusting thought for which all supposed "public servants", Democrat and Republican, should be ashamed to admit.
(I changed the headline to make it clear who was speaking about it being a 'trainwreck')

posted by DrewM. at
02:05 PM
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