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August 09, 2010
Liberals Never Learn...An Infinite Series
The most amazing thing about member of the self-proclaimed "reality based community" is just how divorced from reality they are.
Now that it's clear to just about everyone that Obama's economic promises ("predictions" for the hacks at Politifact) are unfulfilled and all the money he and the Democrats have spent over the last year and a half was wasted, liberal bloggers know what the answer is...more of the same!
Behold Greg Sargent (more on him here) of the Washington Post
The sputtering recovery is actually making it tougher politically over time for Dems to take new steps to solve the problem. The sluggish recovery has undermined public confidence in the Dems' general approach to solving the problem, making Dems more reluctant to attempt the next round of ambitious solutions. That, in turn, insures that the jobs numbers remain grim. And so on.
...What makes this even worse is the perverse dynamic I noted above. Republicans have pursued a very deliberate strategy to feed public pessimism about Big Government's ability to lift us out of the doldrums, pointing to the sputtering recovery as proof that the Dems underlying philosophy has been discredited.
The result is that it's even less likely that Dems will risk taking "another bite at this apple," as Josh puts it. The public doesn't focus on the details, and the failure to pass an ambitious enough stimulus has ensured that the Dem solution fell short of expectations, which paradoxically has left the public increasingly pessimistic about government spending as the best means to fuel the recovery. That in turn led Dems to conclude that further ambitious government action is politically unfeasible.
Yes, it's so gosh darn unfair that people are holding Democrats accountable for their failures! Of course if the mean Republicans would stop pointing out what a disaster the Obama/Democratic economic record is, people would let them keep spending and then we'd be in AWESOME shape!
The talking point that Republicans are simply the party of No is propaganda sprayed by the left like manure in the hopes something will grow from it. They offered up proposals at the time that would have stimulated the economy far better than the ever predictable Democratic call for more spending did. All they heard in return was, "I won". Yep you did, now you own it.
There's absolutely no reason Republicans shouldn't vote against programs they don't think will help the economy and point out to voters how those policies have actually hurt the economy.
"Reality based liberals" are immune to the real world consequences of their preferred policies (in more ways than one). They are like children who stick their fingers in their ears and shout so they don't have to hear bad news and can keep demanding more of the same.
I'm not going to defend the GOP's record during the Bush administration when it comes to spending. Let's just say it's not what a conservative would have wanted and leave it at that. At least now they are saying they have learned their lesson and will do a better a job when they get a chance.
Do I believe the Republicans have truly embraced fiscal discipline? Of course not. I am at least heartened that the GOP is acknowledging past mistakes. I have my doubts about how true their promises are but only time will tell. I'd rather keep a weary but hopeful eye on them than turn the idiot liberals loose on the economy any day of the week.
Slushop via Slublog
posted by DrewM. at
01:56 PM
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