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August 06, 2010
Romer Calls it Quits
Headed back to U Cal Berkeley, and here's hoping she can go back there and do some good.
Romer, who has a 13-year-old son entering high school in fall, told MSNBC her decison to leave the West Wing and return to teach at the University of California at Berkeley “was purely for family reasons,” and not the result of friction inside the administration. She insisted to Bloomberg TV that Summers had become one of her “dear friends.”
Romer became toxic last year after The Chart™ got chewed to death by AceofSpadesHQ new chief scientist Geoff, picked up by multiple big time newsmedia outlets. It became patently obvious she had co-authored a bullshit promise projection with Sheriff Joe's Chief economist (there's a resume enhancer!) to rally support for Obama's stimulus plan, that promise being "unless we pass this thing we'll see unemployment rise above 8%".
Even Factcheck.org piled on a year ago, as the Obama team began to splain how things were worser than even we geniuses thought they were, and birthed the "jobs saved" economic measure of nothingness. So Obama's team chose to keep her out of the public eye, even as an "explainer of big economic things you rubes are just too dumb to understand."
She served her purpose, first as a wonky eco-brainiac to push the superbribe program over the goal-line, and later as a fall-gal for the "projection" excuse.
And then they dropped her like a used rubber.
I mostly wrote this so I could use that analogy. I'm not smart or nothin, but it's a good analogy.

posted by Dave In Texas at
09:13 PM
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