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August 06, 2010
Baldilocks: Racism And Its Uses (For The Left)
Part II of her long examination of racism -- and also "racism" -- in America, and the deliberate creation of ill will between the races to forward leftist ends.
Very hard hitting -- read the whole thing. The essays she links to are important too.
That Leftist politicians and shapers of the mainstream media content are labeling the Tea Party Movement as racist is a fortuitous example (for them) of how to use the indoctrination which they have implemented. Oh, they know that the Tea party movement isn’t actually racist in its foundation, principles or goals. They do, however, know this: in the mind of the black on-looker who sees the Movement’s mostly white makeup and who does not recognize that he/she has been indoctrinated with an incomplete view of American history or that his anger/vengeance is being purposely inflamed, all the Leftist conditioning will spring up at the first flinging of the epithet ‘racist.’
As a result, whites who know that their opposition to the policies of the Obama Administration and the Democrat-controlled Legislative Branch of government is totally based on principle are even further angered. The Left uses this conditioning and the anger of being unjustly accused to paint the Movement as anti-black, shaping it in their own image as the fruit of the Racial Discord tree which they have planted and so diligently have fed and watered.
White and all other Americans—some who are keen observers of the history of Leftism, of Statism and who understand how and why this country was founded; others who merely want to provide for their families and live as free as possible--are easily able to visualize the path on which this country has its footing and are justifiably angry with those in our government who are purposely leading the United States of America toward tyranny. This is not “white” anger; this is American anger.
The tactics educated into both sets of the American populace are designed to do two things: 1) dis-empower both to the point of believing that their fellow citizens are their enemies, and 2) inflame negative and violent emotions to the point at which actual violence will take place. Fear, anger, and--the progenitor of the two—covetousness; the Left’s long-stoked Race War cannot begin without these.
Related: Black Conservatives Unite. Good video. "Horror show for the left," I Own the World says.
Thanks to EdwardR. (I think -- I've had that open since this morning.)