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August 05, 2010
Hillary Clinton: We Must Donate Money To Relieve The Misery Caused By The Horrible Flooding In Pakistan;
Here's My Donation-- Ten Bucks
You know how you get rich? You get rich by spending other people's money, yo!
Only suckas spend their own.
Clinton pushes flood relief for Pakistan, donates $10
By Jordy Yager - 08/04/10 02:50 PM ET
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton pressed Americans on Wednesday to donate money to flood relief efforts in Pakistan, saying she is leading by example and just made a $10 donation herself.
“I just texted a contribution myself, because we know from our own experience, particularly in Haiti, small donations can add up to make a big difference,” Clinton told reporters on Wednesday.
Well, she's giving more than me. I would have given more but I already gave billions and a thousand good men's lives to fight the Taliban that the people of Pakistan are supporting.
Hey, I've got an idea -- maybe all that money for the Victory Mosque can instead go to Pakistan?
Thanks to sven1077.