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August 04, 2010
Apocalypse Nov: Carville/Greenberg Find Republicans Lead... By Eleven Points
As noted, the Democrats may see trouble this fall because of the direction of these real economic indicators. Voters now give the Republicans a 49 to 36 percent advantage on handling the economy, the worst for Democrats in all of our polling.
For the first time in our tracking, a majority of 54 percent believes that President Obama’s economic policies have done nothing to relieve the recession and run up a record deficit; just 39 percent that believe his administration’s efforts averted a worse crisis. This is not consistent with the administration’s argument about economic success.
When asked about the vote in November, 52 percent plan to vote Republican to protest the direction of the economy – 11 points more than voting Democratic to not jeopardize the recovery.
Faughan's got the big-ass colorful charts at his site. On the economy... Oh my. Oh my. Here's one, but they're all good. In other findings, Dems are at -13 and -18 on who would handle the economy and deficit better; and more people think Dems are on the side of Wall Street than typical voters.
Click, click. You have to see it. It's brightly gory. It's like an installment of Saw produced by Pixar.
He also notes at post's end something commenters have pointed out: That when people are now polled on who they voted for (past tense) in 2008, fewer people than 52% admit they voted for Obama. It's something like 47%.
That's not good -- when people would rather lie to complete stranger about who they voted for than confess to having voted for you.