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July 31, 2010
If You Can't Legislate, Regulate
220, 221, whatever it takes.
DHS is scrambling over a leaked internal memo, the kind you write up after assembling a team of bureaucrats to assess a problem and come up with a list of "Things We Could Do If Congress Won't Take On Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants".
Not things they'd actually do. Noooo. Just possibilities, they were just spitballin.
Among the things they wouldn't actually do:
USCIS could grant “parole-in-place,” which comes with a work permit and the ability to obtain a green card, to certain classes of aliens who entered the country illegally. Such classes would include those who entered as minors and those who “have lived for many years in the U.S.” A nice reward for those who have successfully violated the law for the longest period of time.
For those who overstay their visas, the memo recommends granting “deferred action,” which means that deportation is deferred indefinitely and the illegal alien can apply for a work permit. The memo suggests two particular categories of illegal aliens for deferred action: those who might benefit if Congress were to pass the DREAM Act amnesty (of which there are 2.1 million, according to the Migration Policy Institute) and those “who have resided in the U.S. since 1996 (or as of a different date designed to move forward the Registry provision now limited to entries before January 1, 1972).” The “Registry provision” referred to is an actual federal law, not that it matters to the memo’s authors.
To make sure no illegal alien is left behind, the memo suggests that DHS could simply stop issuing “Notices to Appear” (the document that starts the removal process for illegal aliens) unless the alien has a “significant negative immigration or criminal history.” Apparently, violating immigration law once or twice is acceptable. These folks wouldn’t be able to apply for a work permit, but since the Obama administration isn’t conducting worksite enforcement against illegal aliens much anymore, that shouldn’t matter.
The official response to the memo is "we don't comment on internal memos.. blah blah fidgety blah. Bitches." So I'm reassured in that regard.
In other news about the most ethical Congress evah, Maxine Turnipface Waters may face ethics charges, likely punished with another tappy tap of love on the wrist.
amnesty memo tip via Andy

posted by Dave In Texas at
09:35 AM
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