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July 18, 2010
Box Office Report
Inception scores, Sorcerer's Apprentice becomes the latest Disney and Nic Cage bomb.
I saw Inception on Friday and it's definitely worth seeing in theaters. All the folks who incessantly complain about recycled Hollywood films or politically-motivated films will have nothing to bitch about with Inception. And it's by moron favorite Christopher Nolan with an awesome cast. It brought in $60 million, leading the weekend.
I did not see Sorcerer's Apprentice and I'll tell you why: Nicolas Cage. I loved National Treasure and maybe if I've been drinking I'll watch the Rock, but everything else this dude has ever been in has been awful. The sad thing is, Apprentice might have been okay, except for Cage. Same annoying "hyuck hyuck", but a new wig for every film. Oy. Poor Jay Baruchel. Anyway, Apprentice only earned $17 million this weekend, so it's unlikely to ever meet its $150 million budget. Oops.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
06:48 PM
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