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MFM "Fact Check:" Obama Didn't Say What He Said When He Said It »
July 13, 2010
Phew!, Pew: Poll Shows ObamaCare Remains Unpopular
Which is good, because a pair of polls covered at Hot Air (and skipped by me, because I choose to cocoon myself from bad news) showed it increasing in popularity.
Pew casts doubt on that.
And it's actually gotten more unpopular since April:
In more good news, Fiorina leads Boxer within the MoE, 47-45, but that's some good stuff right there.
And Whitman leads Moonbeam Brown 46-39.
It gets worse for Obama: the miracle non-stick space-age Teflon coating is abrading off at a perilous pace:
...with less than four months to go before his first midterm election, a growing number of voters appear to be preparing to take political revenge for such White House inattention.
The same poll shows approval of Obama's job on the economy has dropped 7 points in only one month, from 50% to 43%, his lowest level yet.
Meanwhile, 54% disapprove, a new high.
And the same ABC news poll shows the public has lost confidence in Obama.
Public confidence in President Obama has hit a new low, according to the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll. Four months before midterm elections that will define the second half of his term, nearly six in 10 voters say they lack faith in the president to make the right decisions for the country, and a clear majority once again disapproves of how he is dealing with the economy.
Regard for Obama is still higher than it is for members of Congress, but the gap has narrowed. About seven in 10 registered voters say they lack confidence in Democratic lawmakers and a similar proportion say so of Republican lawmakers.
Overall, more than a third of voters polled 36 percent say they have no confidence or only some confidence in the president, congressional Democrats and congressional Republicans. Among independents, this disillusionment is higher still. About two-thirds of all voters say they are dissatisfied with or angry about the way the federal government is working.
When you've lost America, you've lost the EU and other countries that actually matter.