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July 12, 2010
Eric Holder: Since My Critics Are Pointing Out That After Months of Racial-Profiling Demagoguery I Failed To Include This Allegation In My Suit, Oh Yeah, I Forgot, I Might Lodge a Racial-Profiling Suit Too
A Nation of Cowards, continued.
Despite some officials' claims that the law could lead to racial profiling, that concern was not cited as grounds for the suit.
However, Holder said on CBS' "Face the Nation" that the federal government was leading with its "strongest" argument in the suit filed Tuesday and would not rule out a second suit months down the road -- if the law ends up going into effect.
"It doesn't mean that if the law for whatever reason happened to go into effect, that six months from now, a year from now, we might not look at the impact the law has had ... and see whether or not there has been that racial profiling impact," Holder said. "If that was the case, we would have the tools and we would bring suit on that basis."
Oh, I see, you had no evidence about racial profiling but screamed about that anyway. But it turns out we actually have to wait and see if racial profiling occurs to file a suit ab out it.