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July 05, 2010
Turkey to Israel: Apologize For Defending Yourself or We Will Sever Diplomatic Ties
I hope Israel is the last country left on the face of the planet willing to respond with "go to hell". I don't know anymore. God knows we have hung them out on a limb.
The Turk foreign minister is not mincing words. Why should Israel?
In an article published Sunday, Ahmet Davutoglu told the Turkish daily Hurriyet: "Israelis have three options: They will either apologize or acknowledge an international-impartial inquiry and its conclusion. Otherwise, our diplomatic ties will be cut off."
The Turkish foreign minister said that during his secret meeting last week in Brussels with Industry, Trade and Labor Minister Benjamin Ben-Eliezer, "We showed them an exit road. If they apologize as a result of their own investigation's conclusion, that would be fine for us. But of course we first have to see it."
You know, our relationship with Turkey has been stormy at best, tapped out at their refusal to allow the 4th ID to move through them into Iraq.
That recalcitrance was paid for with American lives. So I'm not feeling the whole "let's be buds with the Turks and find the third way" with them right now.
Did I use a big word? Did I use it correctly?
I don't do this for a living.
Ok, I'm just an idiot. I suppose we're willing to sell them some F -16s. Did we pull down the ICBMs there that Khrushchev was all pissed off about?
late tip via DrewM.

posted by Dave In Texas at
09:02 PM
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