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Afternoon Opun Thred »
July 05, 2010
"Dying" Lockerbie Bomber Could Live for 10 or 20 Years
There is so much hate in my heart right now.
Professor Karol Sikora, who assessed Abdelbaset Ali Mohmet al-Megrahi for the Libyan authorities almost a year ago, told The Sunday Times it was "embarrassing" the bomber had outlived his three-month prognosis.
Megrahi, 58, is the only person convicted of the 1988 bombing of a US Pan Am jumbo jet over Lockerbie, which left 270 dead.
Professor Sikora, the dean of medicine at Buckingham University and medical director of CancerPartnersUK in London, was paid for his medical assessment of Megrahi at Greenock prison on July last year.
He told the newspaper: “There was always a chance he could live for 10 years, 20 years ... But it's very unusual.
"It was clear that three months was what they were aiming for. Three months was the critical point.
"On the balance of probabilities, I felt I could sort of justify [that]."
Embarrassed. Oh, he's embarrassed. Well, then. On the balance of probabilities, I could sort of justify beating the good doctor into a pulp. But I wouldn't do that, of course. It would be very unusual, anyway.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
12:49 PM
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