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Overnight Open Thread - Independence Day Edition »
July 04, 2010
James Madison: Patriot, President, AoS Moron
A "retired blogger" (which means weekly meetings with probie) sends this along, something from the James Madison museum in Virginia. I have stolen his email verbatim since he's making me type out Madison's work:
I went by the James Madison museum the other day in Orange, VA and I saw where they had posted a copy of a poem Madison wrote.
A naughty, vulgar, sarcastic poem. About Muses throwing chamber pots at people and castrating them.
Apparently in at Princeton in the 1770's, these goobers would get into what we would call a "flame war", in which they wrote nasty doggerel poems about each other and read them in the prayer hall--sometimes these flame wars, called "paper wars", would run for two weeks. And Madison played dirty. He worked blue.
The poems of James Madison, Founding Father, Federalist Papers author, Fourth President of the United States, ghost writer of the no-foolin' Constitution of the United States, were especially distinguished: " ...the last three, the poorest poetry and the most scurrilous in content, are by Madison". Also they were "weak, but not at all deficient in vulgarity", and "undistinguished couplets which must nevertheless have made him a champion among his colleagues in abuse".
The poem, along with the commentary, is at the second link. I can't get it to cut-and-paste and I'm a lazy SOB and hey, I don't blog anymore. I don't know what's wrong with me. I don't do this for a living; this is f'n new to me.
Anyway, I hereby move that on this Independence Day, President and All Around Swell Dude James Madison be posthumously inducted into the Moron Hall of Fame, with acclamations of "ONE OF US!! ONE OF US!!!" and celebratory hogsheads of Valu-Rite Vodka.
Here's the poem:
"Urania threw a chamber pot
Which from beneath her bed she brought
And struck my eyes and ears and nose
Repeating it with lusty blows.
In such a pickle then I stood
Trickling on every side with blood
When Clio, ever grateful muse
Sprinkled my head with healing dews
Then took me to her private room
And straight an Eunuch out I come
My voice to render more melodious
A recompense for sufferings odious...
This is pure crap, but it seems inspired. Anyway I agree with the recommendation, he's one of us.
Let freedom ring.

posted by Dave In Texas at
04:10 PM
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