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June 26, 2010
Sex, Lies, and Research Grants: Perfect Sex Last Ten Minutes
Why the Daily Mail will survive the coming print media apocalypse. Cutting edge reporting about actual sex, after midnight, with ladies, in their vaginas.
Contrary to popular fantasy about the need for hours of passionate activity, sex therapists say around ten minutes is perfectly satisfactory.
As I've mentioned before, this is entirely reasonably if you factor in begging time. Anyway sex researchers, non-private sector employees I'm guessin, asked a bunch of people a bunch of nosy damned questions about doin it, and catalogued their responses into different "how long can you put up with this" buckets.
They were asked to rate a range of times for sexual intercourse that they considered adequate, desirable, too short and too long.
Most of them classed lovemaking that lasted three to seven minutes as ‘adequate’ and sex lasting between seven and 13 minutes as ‘desirable’.
I am trying to connect the concepts "thirteen minutes" and "desirable".
I know, it's science. But I class lovemaking that lasts three to three point one minutes as 'whoaa-ah', and also 'unrealistic', not to mention 'if it happens. This year'.
The scientists bury this little CYA nugget at the end of the article..
A separate survey published this month has shown that most married women would now rather go to sleep, read a book or watch a film than have sex.
If you add "paint a room" and "bathe a cat" to that list I'm inclined to believe it.
Well, it's the weekend morons. If you want to experiment, now's the time. You should follow the "no digital clock within viewing range" rule though.
via Hot Air

posted by Dave In Texas at
09:49 AM
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