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Obama Doubles Down On Afghanistan »
June 23, 2010
FNC Says AP Reports McChrystal Relieved*, Petraeus In
Bill Kristol floated this idea yesterday. Wow. Patreaus is staying at CentCom
taking a step down to** and will run Afghanistan day to day. Damn. Good luck to him. And us. He's probably the only guy people would believe in.
Still. Wow.
Will Eikenbery and Holbroke go as well? How about bringing Crocker out of retirement at the Bush center?
Picking Petraeus will enable Obama to say, "I'm in this to win it" it also eliminates any problem with confirmation by the Senate.
Petraeus is taking one for the team and by team I mean the country. This is a huge personal sacrifice and quite frankly a danger to his legacy. Winning Afghanistan is not a give, needless to say. If there was any doubt (and there wasn't), the man is a patriot. Godspeed to him.
I can't believe that McCrystal caused all of this over the chance to take a couple of shots at Joe "BFD" Biden, Jim Jones and Richard Holborke.
I have no love for Obama but McChrystal placed him in a no win situation.
First interesting thing to see when Petraeus gets in will be if he changes the ROEs.
*Technically, Obama says he accepted McChrystal's resignation.
Original Post:
As I emailed to Slu last night...
It's not that McChrystal is smarter than anyone else (I think we now know that's not true) and irrepressible but we're on a clock in AFG. No one has 3, 4, 5 months to wait while we get a new guy picked, confirmed, up to speed and on the job. Yet leaving him there does real damage too. Not only does it hurt the culture of the military (which is real) but how well will everyone work going forward?
You can't fire him and you can't keep him. Well he did fire him.
**John Noonan says it's not a step down.

posted by DrewM. at
01:21 PM
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