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June 22, 2010
CA "considering" digital licence plates that flash ads
Nominally, being touted as a "revenue generating" measure, this is wrong on so many levels it hurts my brain to even think about it.
a) If its power supply is self contained, then how is it recharged? Even the best Lithium Polymer batteries couldn't run a backlit plate sized LCD screen for more than a few days. If you go digital ink to improve battery life, then color is limited.
b) If you force people to power/recharge it with their car batteries, then there could be legit claims that its a theft of services unless the car owner is compensated accordingly.
c) Obviously the units would be very expensive compared to stamped out/painted plates.
d) Obviously the units would be dramatically more susceptible to damage than stamped plates.
e) When a plate with some digital screen is damaged, what is its failsafe mode that allows people to still read the plate number normally?
f) Who is responsible for repair of the thousands of damaged units?
I see this as evidence that CA has completely slipped any tenuous grasp on reality that it might have ever had. Ferchrisakes, electric forks make more sense than this.