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June 10, 2010
New Democratic Immigration Plan: Lie About What They Want
Well, they always lied when they said 'comprehensive reform' wasn't amnesty but now they are taking it to a whole new level.
Long pilloried for being soft on illegal immigration, top Democratic officials have concluded there’s only one way they can hope to pass a comprehensive immigration bill:
Talk more like Republicans.
...The 12 million people who unlawfully reside the country? Call them “illegal immigrants,” not “undocumented workers,” the pollsters say.
Strip out the empathy, too. Democrats used to offer immigrants “an earned path to citizenship” so hardworking people trying to support their families could “come out of the shadows.” To voters, that sounded like a gift, the operatives concluded.
Now, Democrats emphasize that it’s “unacceptable” to allow 12 million people to live in America illegally and that the government must “require” them to register and “get right with the law.” That means three things: “Obey our laws, learn our language and pay our taxes” — or face deportation.
...President Barack Obama uses the buzzwords. So does the congressional leadership. Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), author of the Democratic immigration plan, scolds advocates who refer to illegal immigrants as “undocumented workers.”
Same policy, just a different bit of wrapping on it.
This is just another example of how liberals are so damn sure they have the right policy positions, voters are just to damn dumb to know it. If the idiots want tough talk and strong enforcement policies? The liberals will give them tough talk. Strong enforcement polices? No, not so much. They've got a base to motivate and illegals to convert into new voters.
Making their sales pitch a wee bit more difficult is the death of the talking point that 'enforcement only' doesn't work.
Arizona's tough new immigration enforcement law is fueling an exodus of Hispanics from the state seven weeks before it goes into effect, according to officials and residents in the state.
Though no one has precise figures, reports from school officials, businesses and individuals indicate worried Hispanics — both legal and illegal — are leaving the state in anticipation of the law, which will go into effect July 29.
Schools in Hispanic areas report unusual drops in enrollment. The Balsz Elementary School District is 75% Hispanic, and within a month of the law's passage, the parents of 70 students pulled them out of school, said District Superintendent Jeffrey Smith. The district lost seven students over the same one-month period last year, and parents tell Smith the Arizona law is the reason for leaving.
"They're leaving to another state where they feel more welcome," he said.
Imagine what might happen if there were no states where illegal aliens felt welcome. It isn't hard to do. Especially when a CBS News poll says 69% of people nationwide say Arizona's law is either 'just right' or 'doesn't go far enough'.
Given the mood of the country right now, Democrats aren't going to get much mileage out of their new lies. There's no chance that Congress will take up a bill before the elections. Each side has the issue on the radar and that's enough politically for both.
Thanks to Gabe for the Arizona story.
John "Finish The Dang'd Fence" McCain emails to say, "I've personally packed up and driven 30,000 illegals to the California border. You're welcome".
posted by DrewM. at
03:54 PM
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