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June 07, 2010
Topless Kill: White House Staffers Focused Like a Laser on PetroKatrina and Shirtless Beer-Pong, But Mostly Shirtless Beer-Pong
All The President's Men.
All hands on deck, huh?
When the boss of an organization really wants something done, he communicates that to his staff, and the company enters a "crunch" or a "redball" or whatever that company calls it. It's a time when you either work your ass off or at least make it appear you're working your ass off, so you don't get fired for slacking.
On the other hand... If the boss mainly seems interested in golfing and trading flatteries with (Sir) Paul MacCartney, well, I guess it's a good time for beer-pong.
In related news: "I want to know whose ass is up for Pictionary."
Do these guys deserve time off?
I'm sure they do. But let me ask a different question: Do the residents of Louisiana deserve to have their coastline destroyed by oil?