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May 21, 2010
Former Bush Speech Writer: GOP Either Has To Repudiate Rand Paul Or Own Him
Sometimes I miss Bush but not all the Bushies.
At this point, the options for Palin, DeMint and Dobson are limited. They will either repudiate Paul’s candidacy or they will be tainted by Paul’s extremism.
How about this Skippy, the GOP will be 'tainted' by Paul as soon as the Democrats are tainted by....
A Congressman who compares the GOP to Al Qaeda,
A state AG and Senate candidate who is lies about his military service.
A Senate candidate whose family ran a bank that lent to crooks connected to Democrats and had to be bailed out by tax payers.
Elected officials who stand a cheer a foreign leader who chides Americans for our immigration laws while his country's are far more severe. (see below)
And on and on and on.
I know we've been doing the Rand Paul thing for two days. I get that people want to pull together and protect 'our' guy. Personally, I like that our side holds our guys accountable. Still, it's frustrating that Democrats don't and they are continually rewarded for their lack of scruples.
So no Mikey, I will not say the GOP needs to prostrate to you over Rand Paul. Call me after you spend some time using the pages of the Washington Post to get the Democrats to hold their own accountable like we are with Paul. If you don't want to do that...STFU and go away.

posted by DrewM. at
03:41 PM
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