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May 20, 2010
Whoops-- System Has Been Accidentally Banning People Again
Sorry, I did notice some complaints about this, and then Drew alerted me to a commenter asking about it. I put it off because I had intended -- but did not -- put up a post like this so I can get them all done in just a couple of emails to Pixy. (I like doing them in bunches so as not to trouble him with one request here, another there.)
As I always say, if you are banned, it is almost certainly a glitch; I haven't banned anyone in a while, and a long time before that, too.
The system just gets funky and decides that some word you used is used in spam, so you're banned.
Please send me the message stating you are banned -- which includes your IP address -- and I'll get it unbanned. Note that if you are not getting this message:
Your IP address (207.etc.etc.etc) has been banned. If you feel this is in error, please contact the blog owner by email.
... then you're not banned by the system, and if you can't post, it's some other problem.
Regarding the WordPress ban: Again, this happened before, and it's happening again. I don't know why -- I am guessing Spammers are using wordpress to spam the site, and the system is just banning anyone who includes a wordpress url. If that's happening to you, use tinyurl.com to get a proxy url that the system won't ban.
I'll get the WordPress ban lifted again, but I guarantee you it's going to be tripped again -- this is like the third time it's happened.
Sorry for the delinquency on the unbannings.