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May 18, 2010
Primary Night- Kentucky Senate UPDATE: Paul Predicted Winner
Above the post update:
MSNBC is now saying the AP is calling the race for Rand Paul. Okay.
Paul is killing Greyson.
Updated results here. Thanks to "Doc" in the comments for the link.
Original Post:
Not as much fun as the '08 cycle, when the big question of the night was who would become each party's nominee for President would Megyn Kelly wear the naughty librarian glasses.
First up at 7 eastern is Kentucky. The big race is between Rand Paul and Trey Grayson.
I get Grayson isn't exactly in tune with this year's political environment but Rand Paul?
Jim Geraghty took a look at the younger Paul's foreign policy views and doesn't think they are out of the Republican mainstream.
Personally, I think going on Alex Jones' radio show (youtube link) is a deal breaker.
I think you can embody the values of the tea party movement but not go off that particular end of the reservation. See Marco Rubio for a great example.
If Rand does win, expect the MFM to become much more interested in 9/11 Truthers, especially the ones who support Paul. Note, I'm not saying Paul is a Truther, just that he seems comfortable hanging with one of the most prominent ones in the country.
Either way, I hope that Paul (who almost everyone thinks is going to win) doesn't blow up and cost the Republicans a seat.
Coming up later, PA Senate and the special election to replace John Murtha. And in Arkansas Blanche Lincoln is trying to avoid a runoff for her Senate seat.
I know a lot of people want to see Specter go down tonight but I'd rather he win by .003% and have to fight Tommey in November. Right now, polls show Sestak as the stronger opponent. I'd rather knock him out tonight.

posted by DrewM. at
06:59 PM
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