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May 17, 2010
Now here's a marketing strategy I could get behind (IYKWIMAITYD)
Apparently there's this show called "The Naked Office", which will air over in Blighty on -- get this -- the Virgin network. And this is sort of an advertisement to get people to watch the show. I admit that I'm intrigued.
How come we never get ad campaigns like this over here? I think the best one I've come across this year involved some coupons you could trade in for ten cents off a bottle of steak-sauce or something. In fact, a lot of the ad campaigns have become kind of passive-aggressive. Stuff like: "Buy our product and we won't send a guy over to beat the shit out of you" or "All of your smart friends are buying this overpriced piece of shit product. If you don't buy one too, they're going to think you're retarded and smell bad."
Via Drudge.