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David Frum: I Call Upon The Right “To Rally Behind Rubio” »
April 28, 2010
How Come Blacks Keep Beating Up and Raping That Poor Woman?
In 2000, I was jumped by a group of eight Black women outside of a club, so I also understand what you are saying about being fearful and in some cases being discriminated against. As a white journalist who has worked for Black newspapers and who has experienced reverse discrimination firsthand, I definitely agree that White people often find themselves in an awkward position. But what I have come to understand and to believe is that those of us who are chosen for this work are often forced to experience situations that might be reflective of the ones that Blacks have had in America so that we can begin to understand the pain that they have endured. Though it took a couple of years to come to terms with it, I have come to grips with the fact that what I experienced was the wrath of not only eight individuals who might have had unjust dealings with Whites in their own lives, but who also bear the weight of over 400 years worth of similar experiences on their shoulders and in their psyches as well.
-- Source.
For a woman who toils endlessly to improve the lives of black folks, damn, they sure do violate her an awful lot.
More: She doesn't specify the race of her violators here:
I had long wanted to visit Haiti. Let me tell you why. Growing up in Ohio, I encountered physical, sexual and emotional abuse in my home. I ran away often and worked as a teenage prostitute in order to survive the streets.
Shit just seems to happen to her.
It seems that what you are intended to get from all this is that her capacity for forgiveness and love is quite endless; but to demonstrate that, she needs a lot of violent run-ins (especially with blacks) to forgive.
Each time she is violated, and yet finds within herself the capacity to forgive, well... one can see the incentives here. The greater and more numerous the crimes committed against her, the greater a moral beacon she is for forgiving.
Maybe at some point she can move to a place safer than Gotham City.
Thanks to Morgen. Morgen writes that I've been punked, but I don't think so: See, I never really cared if her story was true or not. Honestly, I had my doubts.
That wasn't the important thing. The important thing was whether someone was really writing this drivel seriously, whether she was lying about the facts of the matter or not. I just wanted to make sure that some right-winger hadn't written this and posted it on Alter-Net as a prank.