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April 27, 2010
MSNBC Headline: Arizona Law "Makes It a Crime To Be an Illegal Immigrant"
Contessa Brewer's show.
Good God she is stupid.
And a whore.
On CBS's morning show, too, a newsreader intoned, "The law makes it a crime to be an illegal immigrant."
In related news, Minnesota is "seriously considering" a law that would make the intentional killing of a human being a crime. This new crime is being called "Murder," as an obscure old English common law provision termed it, at least until they come up with something catchier.
"Largely Peaceful:" Anarchists went wild in DC this past weekend and all the media described the rally as "largely peaceful."
Stick with that -- in a podcast on amateur partisan webzine Slate, David Plotz says we should go after Wall Street with "pitchforks, knives, guns, clubs we find, mace..."
Inciting violence against political targets must be fun! Maybe I should try it some time.