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April 24, 2010
Who is Guy "Guido" Fawkes Anyway?
Much has been made (idiotically) regarding Time magazine, the 2007 publication you can read in your doctor's waiting room, associating the recent cool ad from the Republican Governors Association, the meme "Remember November" (from the Fantastiks), and a 17th century anti-British government failed Big Ben Bomber named Guy Fawkes.
I say 17th century as a guess, because it happened around 1605, and for reasons I'm still fuzzy about, you're supposed to add a century for the th.
This is about as lame as you could imagine something from Time could be. And "lamest Time" thing is a pretty high bar.
I give them points for some knowledge of history. Anyway, this is the most pathetic weak-tea (see what I did there?) attempt by an unread media outlet to associate a Republican political advertisement with domestic terrorism I've ever seen. I say could be, because I haven't been to the doctor's office in a while. There might be more lamer shit out there between the cushions, I don't get around in the waiting room scene.
So some of you might be asking "who is this Guy Fawkes guy they're talking about, the example of domestic anti-government (hint: anti-government now is the new 'anti-Obama' agenda slur, cause he's the government now and if you're against that you're a goddanged RACIST TERRORIST which is their point not to give away the whole thing here or nothing) guy (no pun there, it's his name) who wants to blow up Obama admin (see prev. splanation about govt = Obama you racists) with bombs and stuff?" (Sorry for the long sentence Mr. White)
Well he was a guy feller with a funny hat who was fighting a religious war (hint: CHRISTIANS!!111!1) against the crown by attempting to set off mucho explosives underneath England's Parliament (hint: Congress!!) while King James and the Gang were there meeting to oppress them further.
The Brits laugh at him every year everafter, which is a) a long time and b) a friggin cool thing to do and we should adopt this practice.
SO history tagged him as a terrorist (and a swarthy one, see: "Guido". Sounds just like Timothy. Try it) and he got arrested and all before he could do in fact what he planned to do (they did not have a Patriot Act!), and whatever else happened happened, I don't want to get into that right now.
The only real point I'd like to make to the readers of Time Magazine, all 27 of you, is that "Remember November" might actually refer to, call me crazy, an upcoming election, which is on our radar but up until recently when your boyfriend pushed our buttons all year might not have been on yours.
Have a nice weekend.
* I have totally stolen this format from our pal Rosetta, who will hate me now with a pure white hot hateyness, and that warms my soul. Stealing is wrong. It's very very wrong.
I'm sorry.

posted by Dave In Texas at
07:33 PM
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