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April 21, 2010
Is the WSJ out to smear Scott Brown by photo placement association?
In this article about Senators (from both parties) shaking down banks and Wall St. firms for contributions, there is a picture of the soon to be doomed Senator Blanche Lincoln along with Senator Scott Brown.
The article DOES make mention of Lincoln, but makes NO MENTION of Brown at all, ANYWHERE.
Rushed editing? Perhaps, but the article is long enough that it clearly wasn't tossed together in an hour and slammed out, so that seems like a long shot.
I don't believe in "coincidences" when it comes to things like this. Brown isn't even on the Senate Banking Committee, so he's nothing special when it comes to ObamaBanking™ reform -- just one vote out of a hundred. Why not put a Bill Nelson picture there? Or someone from Wyoming or Montana?