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April 19, 2010
John Conyers: Those "Teabaggers" Are Angry So Their "Rational Abilities Are Compromised"
And he says teabaggers twice. No mistake.
I think this is the Democrats' real Waterloo. They are going insane as they watch their precious power about to be taken from them -- possibly, for several generations to come.
They are the ones, in fact, whose "rational abilities" have become "compromised," as they lash out with infantile venom at the voters.
This is a meltdown, and I just get angrier and angrier -- and more and more optimistic -- as they vent seething hatred and vile condescension at the voters who will decide their political fates in just five months and a couple of weeks.
Joe ("Who?") Klein just decided that dissent was no longer the highest form of patriotism, but instead "borderline sedition," and it was no ill-considered slip of the tongue; he's said it before at least twice.
I had been mulling an essay on that all day, which I'll write later, but I suppose I have to put it up now rather than waiting for the essay.
I will just say that liberals will not be able to sell the "dissent is the highest form of patriotism" line when they are the opposition party, frozen out from all branches of government, in January 2013. I personally intend to accuse them of sedition and a lack of patriotism on a daily basis, and when they whine (as they always do) I will cite back to them the expansive definitions of "sedition" and "treason" they employed from January 2009 to January 2013.
Is it sedition to strenuously argue against a party in power? Well, good to know, considering that Republicans/conservatives/Tea Partiers are poised to sweep Congress (both houses, possibly) in January 2011.
Are you sure you can't criticize the party in power, Joe? Are you certain of that? I hope you are, because you are then destined to become an enemy of the state in five months and two weeks.
It's good to know that Joe Klein will set aside his own hateful rhetoric at that time. On penalty of jailing should he refuse to do so.