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A Master's Post »
April 11, 2010
Sunday Morning
Howdy morons. I forgot to post the results of the NCAA thingy, my bad.
1 Mr. Wednesday Night (Duke) 132 132
2 WunderKraut (Duke) 127 127
3 Little Miss Spellcheck (Duke) 118 118
Thank you all for playing. Fabulous prizes await you all.
So that's done, and we still have half a weekend to enjoy. I plan to crush weeds until they beg to live, which I will deny.
I hope you are all still having an awesome weekend yourselves.
I noticed this morning that conservatism as defined by the leftist media tools was represented by David Brooks and Kathleen Parker on Meet the Press today. Looking for the video if someone wants to put me some. Brooks' major unsupported assertion is that the college educated class is cool with government, but those who barely finished high school are deeply suspicious of government.
He probably means "and those with a degree from East Texas State" are like high school dopes.
Ok, that's kinda true. Still.

posted by Dave In Texas at
11:51 AM
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