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April 07, 2010
Golden Geese Demand Admittance To Slaughterhouse
"I'm in favor of higher taxes on people like me," declared Eric Schoenberg, who is sitting on an investment banking fortune. He complained about "my absurdly low tax rates."
"We're calling on other wealthy taxpayers to join us," said paper-mill heir Mike Lapham, "to send the message to Congress and President Obama that it's time to roll back the tax cuts on upper-income taxpayers."
With April 15 a week away, many Americans are feeling right about now that they are paying entirely too much. But the millionaires say they see the beginning of a grass-roots movement of the angry under-taxed wealthy.
Ummm. Yeah, this sounds like just the sort of popular message that's going to spread like wildfire among the rich. The ones who don't really understand how they became wealthy in the first place, that is. And who believe the government is rilly rilly ethical about how they handle money, and also super-competent at helping people n' stuff.
Idiots, in other words.
The article mentions that these folks can make as big a check to the United States Treasury as they wish without fear of having it returned (hah), but as always with liberals, the idea is to expend money and effort to force everyone else to do what the liberals won't even willingly do now.
At the end of the article, we learn that the folks interviewed are all pretty much a generation or more removed from actual labor as most of us perceive it.
That explains their tranquility about money, but doesn't excuse them from this wrongheaded folly; every dollar they possess represents actual work done by someone. To just hand it over to be pissed away by government when it could be put to better use employing people in the US economy...there are no words for how fucking stupid this is.
You, super wealthy lady. Your self-flagellation is not admirable. It's alarming and counterproductive.
You want to help people? Don't give it to the politicians who will raid it to help their friends, just like they did with every other pot of cash they've ever been entrusted with.
Buy another boat. Give your gardener a raise. Put an addition on the pool house.
Thanks to Eddiebear.
And while you're over at DoublePlusUndead, don't forget to go HERE and pretend to completely lose your shit over the Scrabble rule change.

posted by Laura. at
05:01 PM
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