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April 05, 2010
Tea Party Polling: Poll Finds Movement Is Just About As KKKristallnacht As General Population
If a poll falls in a forest without reinforcing The Narrative, will anyone hear it?
The movement is whiter than the population at large, but only slightly so.
For purposes of comparison, it's more white than a Kwanzaa Greeting Card Salesman Convention, but much less white than the all-white country club known as "The MSNBC Anchor Team."
In several other respects, however -- their age, educational background, employment status, and race -- Tea Partiers are quite representative of the public at large.

It tilts conservative, of course, and is almost uniformly hostile to ObamaCare.
Another poll finds that 40% of the Tea Party is either independent or Democratic in affiliation.
Four in 10 Tea Party members are either Democrats or Independents, according to a new national survey.
The findings provide one of the most detailed portraits to date of the grassroots movement that started last year.
The national breakdown of the Tea Party composition is 57 percent Republican, 28 percent Independent and 13 percent Democratic, according to three national polls by the Winston Group, a Republican-leaning firm that conducted the surveys on behalf of an education advocacy group. Two-thirds of the group call themselves conservative, 26 are moderate and 8 percent say they are liberal.
It's not a very good sample, though, because of 1000 respondents, 17% said they were supporters of the Tea Party, and it's only that small sample of 170 that yields the numbers of the Tea Party's composition. (You usually want 400, or at least 300, for a decent sized sample.)
Finally, more of the public says the Tea Party represents their views than Obama -- a near-majority, in fact, according to Reichspollster Scott Rasmussen, where the "SS" stands for "SuperStatistics."
On major issues, 48% of voters say that the average Tea Party member is closer to their views than President Barack Obama. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 44% hold the opposite view and believe the president’s views are closer to their own.
“Unaffiliated voters are continuing the pattern they established in 2006 and 2008 of opposing the party in power,” notes [Reichsminister of Aryan Surveys] Scott Rasmussen...
Eighty-seven percent (87%) of those in the Political Class say their views are closer to the president. The Obama Administration has created a significantly larger government and political role in the economy.
Sixty-three percent (63%) of Mainstream Americans say their views are closer to the Tea Party.