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Bored with Obama »
April 03, 2010
Obergruppenführer McPollster: GOP More Trusted Than Dems on 9 of 10 Key Issues
Rasmussen is raining on President Obama's parade again. The Waffler-in-Chief is trying to do a victory lap, but his nervous "it's only been a week" is looking pretty desperate now.
The two key findings, for me anyway, are healthcare and the economy. Healthcare because it shows how much the Democrats have blundered. How much do congressional Democrats hate Obama and Speaker Pelosi now?
Following the passage of the health care bill, 53% now say they trust Republicans on the issue of health care. Thirty-seven percent (37%) place their trust in Democrats. A month earlier, the two parties were essentially even on the health care issue.
These results are consistent with the finding that 54% of voters want the health care bill repealed.
The economy matters because as the economy goes, so do Obama's hopes for reelection:
On the economy, Republicans are trusted more by 49% while Democrats are preferred by 37%. That’s a big improvement for the GOP following a five-point advantage last month. More voters who make under $20,000 annually trust Democrats on this issue, but voters who earn more than that favor Republicans.
Anyone think Obama will manage to turn his party away from anti-prosperity policies long enough to preserve his chances of reelection?
BTW, for reasons passing understanding, Dems still hold a slight, within-the-margin advantage on the issue of "Government Ethics." What's that?

posted by Gabriel Malor at
01:48 PM
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