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March 31, 2010
Racist Teabaggers Using Vile Epithets About Black Politicians
On hyperpartisan archliberal Matthew Ygelsias' site:
Several points:
1) Yglesias is always on hair-trigger for a pretext to accuse a conservative of being a racist. See, for example, this BloggingHeads segment, in which he answers the question "Is it okay to call your political opponents racist?" with an emphatic "YES!!"
Why the reluctance, then, to call out one of his own readers? Is it because his reader is a Liberal in Good Standing, or is it just because he needs the hits and can't afford to alienate racist liberals?
2) The comment was posted at 10:00 am. It has now been up for seven hours. In comment 12, one commenter noted the comments were "like a sewer" and tells Yglesias to monitor them --but still no redaction. And it's not until comment 125 that someone specifically takes "Michael Steele" to task.
This was Comment Number One. Not exactly hiding there, now is it?
The liberals on Yglesias' site seem to take this in stride without comment, as if it's standard operating procedure and normal course of business. This seems to underlie their claims of being oh-so-concerned about racism, doesn't it?
Also note how abusive lefties are to Obama, due to the fact he's taking a stance they don't like. For example, Comment 4:
Barack Obama Says:
March 31st, 2010 at 10:05 am
pree emptiv konsesshunz in reeturn for nothing wurked so well four helth car, im shur thell wurk
eevun bettur four enviruhmenntul polissee.
Now, were that on a right-wing blog, Yglesias and the rest of the assholes would claim it's "race-baiting" and "in ebonics." Hell, a New York Times reporter might claim it's in a "Chris Rock Voice."
But here there is no comment upon it. It's accepted as quite normal. Again -- is this because those on the left are ipso facto incapable of being racists? The guy who drops the n-bomb in comment number one would seem to disprove that thesis.
What does Yglesias intend to do, precisely, to get his toothless teabagger commenters under control?