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March 26, 2010
S. Korean Navy Ship Sinking, Possibly Attacked By N. Korea
Oh boy.
>A South Korean naval vessel with more than 100 aboard was sinking on Friday in waters near North Korea and Seoul was investigating whether it was hit in a torpedo attack by the North, South Korean media said.
Broadcaster SBS said many South Korean sailors on the stricken vessel were feared dead.
South Korea's YTN TV network said the government was investigating whether the sinking was due to a torpedo attack by the North, and Yonhap news agency said the Seoul government had convened an emergency meeting of security-related ministers.
Yonhap also reported a South Korean navy ship firing towards an unidentified vessel to the north.
We have about 30,000 troops stationed in South Korea so if anything starts, we are in it.
Thanks to Dave In Texas for the heads up.

posted by DrewM. at
11:34 AM
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