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March 25, 2010
Obama Administration To Iran: Please Hurry Up And Build Your Nuke, We Can't Keep Pretending To Want To Stop You Forever!
Snub an ally (though, let's be honest, Obama doesn't view Israel as an ally) and continue to make life easier for Iran (he sure as hell doesn't view Iran as an enemy).
Ah, the joys and wages of "Smart Diplomacy".
The U.S. has backed away from pursuing a number of tough measures against Iran in order to win support from Russia and China for a new United Nations Security Council resolution on sanctions, according to people familiar with the matter.
Among provisions removed from the original draft resolution the U.S. sent to key allies last month were sanctions aimed at choking off Tehran’s access to international banking services and capital markets, and closing international airspace and waters to Iran’s national air cargo and shipping lines, according to the individuals.
The U.S. and allies are trying to force Iran to rein in a nuclear program that they worry is aimed at developing atomic weapons. Tehran says its nuclear activities are peaceful. The U.K. and Germany, concerned that Russia and China would reject the resolution outright and preferring to turn up pressure on Iran gradually, persuaded U.S. officials to drop or soften several elements, including some of the document’s harshest provisions, the individuals said.
..Russia and China didn’t endorse a draft resolution, but signaled that they were open to further discussions, people familiar with the matter said. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov told Interfax news service, “We are continuing the process of comparing the approaches of the parties and considering further options.”
Ah, well the Russians are open to continuing to consider future options. Take that Iran!
This is just the most recent step in Obama's Kabuki dance designed to make it look like he's willing to do something about Iran. In fact, he is either absolutely indifferent to a nuclear Iran or kind of likes the idea...it'll help put Israel in its place. It's hard to say which for sure. But there's simply no other way to look at this administration's actions (or lack of actions) for the last year and conclude anything else.
Actually, it's not fair to say Obama and company have done nothing on this front. They've dialed down their rhetoric from 'crippling' sanctions to sanctions with 'bite'. Next we'll have sanctions 'that will sting a bit', followed of course by sanctions that 'tickle!'.
We've been so focused on Obama screwing us domestically, it's easy to forget what an awful job he is doing on foreign policy as well.

posted by DrewM. at
11:12 AM
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