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March 24, 2010
Overnight Open Thread
Good evening and happy Hump Day all.
Amazing Foodscapes
These are mostly vegetables which I guess makes them the healthy alternative to the Meatscape. Both scapes are the work of Carl Warner who meticulously creates scenes using food. Probably most amazing is his food version of the London skyline.
ObamaCare law now taxes tans AND tampons
Guidettes hardest hit. Unless Secretary Sebelius explicitly exempts tampons from the medical device tax.
So What Does Whale Taste Like?
Even though I intellectually know that whales are mammals, when it comes to eating I sometimes forget. Well here's a guide to what whale meat actually tastes like. Short answer: like deer or moose. While we usually think of the Japanese when it comes to eating whales, it turns out that the scandis and eskimos also enjoy it. And yes there is whale bacon.
Whale: The other red meat.
Woman grows breast implants from belly fat
A medical miracle - two problems solved in one surgery!!
If men wrote women's magazines...
Well they'd be a lot different. And the articles might actually, you know, help women deal with men and life. Of course Ace and the morons have already covered this a few years ago in classic fashion. Here are just a few gems from the Ace of Spades Women's Magazine, as written by men:
"Realizing That Every Time Your Feelings Are Bruised By Somebody It Isn't A Fucking Disaster"
"Every Thought Doesn't Have to Be Expressed"
"Letting Your Man Decompress From a Hectic Day Before Barraging Him WIth Every Detail of Your Day"
"The Words That Come Out Of His Mouth: The Secret Source Of What A Man Is Really Trying To Tell You!"
"Two O'Clock In The Morning: Not An Appropriate Time For A Chat About The Relationship"
"You can do it without a Man! - A Twenty-step program on how to kill Spiders"
The dangers of GoW III
Beware kratos - more than your soul might be in danger.
The boy with 31 fingers and toes
From China of course. Yesterday he underwent surgery to remove his extra digits.
Stuff Tushies Hate
A blog dedicated to things your booty don't like.
The Yahoo AoSHQ group. You know the way.
Tonight's post brought to you by limo Elvis:
Notice: Posted by permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips to maetenloch at gmail. Otherwise send tips to Ace.

posted by Maetenloch at
09:30 PM
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