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ObamaCare Vote Schedule »
March 20, 2010
Zack Space (D-OH) Goes From A November Yes To No Tomorrow Jim Matheson (D-UT)-No Stays No
It could mean he's gotten a "You Get To Keep Your Seat" Card from Nancy or they still don't have the votes.
Found via Right Wing News, which has similar numbers to Gabe on the whip count.
Don't give up the ship yet!
UPDATE: Jim Matheson was no in Novemenber, thought to be undecided, stays No. The link is to Firedoglake (I know) but they have a running whip count that isn't optimistic for the Dems either.
Matheson was the guy whose brother was nominated for a federal judgeship. Guess that didn't work out for Obama.
Related: Republicans on the House Ways And Means Committee figured out who really wins if this passes...the IRS.
Thanks to "Smapty" for the heads up.
*IRS agents verify if you have “acceptable” health care coverage;
* IRS has the authority to fine you up to $2,250 or 2 percent of your income (whichever is greater) for failure to prove that you have purchased “minimum essential coverage;”
* IRS can confiscate your tax refund;
* IRS audits are likely to increase;
* IRS will need up to $10 billion to administer the new health care program this decade;
* IRS may need to hire as many as 16,500 additional auditors, agents and other employees to investigate and collect billions in new taxes from Americans; and
* Nearly half of all these new individual mandate taxes will be paid by Americans earning less than 300 percent of poverty ($66,150 for a family of four.)
16,500 more IRS employees? What could possibly go wrong with that?

posted by DrewM. at
06:07 PM
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